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Thank you for taking the time to review our carline procedures.  Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff, and we know that you all share our commitment to keeping our school safe. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the driving routes and guidelines.

To assist with dismissal plans and changes, we will be using a service called School Pass. If you have not received your log in information, please contact Ms. Burley.

General Guidelines:

  • Please be cautious and alert while driving on our campus.
  • Follow all directions from ACA Staff.
  • Follow all traffic regulations and the rules of the road.
  • Please do not arrive before the specified carline start time.
  • Parents arriving too early for the carline will be asked to leave the property and return at the appropriate time.
  • Please help us maintain positive relationships with Larimer County and the City of Windsor by not holding up traffic on County Road 5 (CR5).Should this become an issue, it is possible that the city will need to issue tickets to vehicles blocking the normal flow of traffic.
  • Please help us fit as many cars as possible in the driveline by getting as close as you can to the car in front of you. ACA Staff will be there to assist you.
  • Please do NOT use your cell phone or any other technology while participating in pick-up and drop-off.
  • All parents must be apart of carline as we do not have student walkers at this time.


Important Times to Know:

Morning drop-off:

  • Cars can arrive on property at 7:15 am to start to line up in the carline loop.  Before then, this area is off-limits to parents as it is staff parking
  • Student drop-off may begin at 7:20 AM.
  • School starts at 7:45 AM for Grammar School students, 7:40 AM for Upper School students.
  • Students arriving at this time or later will be marked tardy. Parents must walk their students into the building to check in at the Front Office after this time.


Afternoon pick-up:

  • Pick-up may begin lining up as early as 2:30 PM. Cars arriving before this time will be asked to leave the property and return at the appropriate time.
  • Students will be released at 3:00 PM.
  • When in the loading loop, put your car in park.
  • All traffic will enter the property from the North Entrance.
  • Before you arrive, please have your new placards with the barcode on your driver side windshield and keep it there until you leave the property. This will assist our team throughout the pick up process.
  • Please follow the direction of the staff in regards to flow of traffic. Staff will be in several stages of the flow of traffic and their direction must be followed to ensure a safe and efficient carline.
  • Cars will be scanned and organized in two rows. Do not change lanes at any time unless explicitly directed to do so by Ascent Staff. The two rows will allow for more cars to be loaded at once, and keep traffic off of County Road 5.
  • When leaving the property, please make sure you make a right turn on CR 5 only. Until there is a traffic light installed, right turns allow for the smoothest and safest flow of traffic.



AM Kindergarten Pick-Up:

  • Student pick-up begins at 10:50 AM
  • Parents will enter the property from the North entrance and will line up along the west side of the building.
  • Parents will then leave the property using the south exit after they loaded their student.
  • Student pick-up ends at 11:00 AM. Students left without a ride at 11:00 AM will be brought to the Front Office. Parents will need to park and come into the office to retrieve their students.


PM Kindergarten Drop-Off:

Student drop-off begins at 11:50 AM.

  • Parents will enter the property from the North entrance and will line up along the west side of the building.
  • Parents will then leave the property using the south exit after they dropped off their student.
  • Class begins at 12:00 PM. Students arriving at this time or later will be marked tardy. Parents must walk their students into the building to check in at the Front Office after this time.


Carline Maps and Procedures: CLICK HERE