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Faculty & Staff
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Grammar School
K – 6th Grade
Mrs. Ranz
Kindergarten Teacher
Contact Mrs. Ranz
Mrs. Turner
Kindergarten Teacher's Assistant
Contact Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Lodato
First Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Lodato
Ms. Priest
First Grade Teacher
Contact Ms. Priest
Ms. McConnell
First Grade Teacher's Assistant
Contact Ms. McConnell
Mrs. Whitt
First Grade Teacher's Assistant
Contact Mrs. Whitt
Mrs. Holley
Department Head Lower Grammar School (K-2) and Second Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Holley
Ms. Ballard
Second Grade Teaching Assistant
Contact Ms. Ballard
Mrs. McMahon
Second Grade Teaching Assistant
Contact Mrs. McMahon
Mrs. Sandez
Second Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Sandez
Mrs. Haub
Third Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Haub
Mrs. Lungren
Third Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Lungren
Mrs. Vartanova
Third Grade Teacher's Assistant
Contact Mrs. Vartanova
Mrs. Martinelli
Fourth Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Martinelli
Mr. Bagley
Fourth Grade Teacher
Contact Mr. Bagley
Ms. Rein
Fourth Grade Apprentice Teacher
Contact Ms. Rein
Mrs. Popham
Fifth Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Popham
Mrs. Patawaran
Fifth Grade Math and Science Teacher
Contact Mrs. Patawaran
Ms. Almgren
Fifth and Sixth Grade Apprentice Teacher
Contact Ms. Almgren
Mrs. Stumbo
Fifth and Sixth Grade Teaching Assistant
Contact Mrs. Stumbo
Mrs. Hanson
Sixth Grade Teacher
Contact Mrs. Hanson
Mr. Tanquist
Sixth Grade Teacher
Contact Mr. Tanquist
Upper School
7th – 11th Grade
Dr. Krantz
Latin Teacher
Contact Dr. Krantz
Mr. de Irueste
Spanish and Latin Teacher
Contact Mr. de Irueste
Ms. Flatt
Department Head, Upper School (7-10) and Literature Teacher
Contact Ms. Flatt
Mrs. Nichols
Department Head, Philosophy and Science Teacher
Contact Mrs. Nichols
Mr. Coleman
History and Logic/Rhetoric Teacher
Contact Mr. Coleman
Ms. Knechtges
Humanities Teacher
Contact Ms. Knechtges
Dr. Bevill
Science and Mathematics Teacher
Contact Dr. Bevill
Mrs. Suarez Delgado
Math Teacher
Contact Mrs. Suarez Delgado
Mrs. Spykstra
Science Teacher
Contact Mrs. Spykstra
Mrs. Tichenor
Composition Teacher
Contact Mrs. Tichenor
Mrs. Tschetter
Humanities Teacher
Contact Mrs. Tschetter
Mr. Landry
History Teacher
Contact Mr. Landry
Ms. Zink
Humanities Teacher
Contact Ms. Zink
Fine Arts and PE
Mr. Rump
Athletic Director and P.E. Teacher, Upper School
Contact Mr. Rump
Mr. Ross
PE Teacher, Grammar School
Contact Mr. Ross
Mrs. May
Department Head Fine Arts and Music, Band and Orchestra Teacher
Contact Mrs. May
Mr. Henreckson
Choir Teacher
Contact Mr. Henreckson
Mr. Howe
Art Teacher
Contact Mr. Howe
Ms. Smith
Art Teacher
Contact Ms. Smith
Mrs. Roberts
PE Teacher, Grammar School
Contact Mrs. Roberts
Mrs. Henreckson
Musical Theatre Director
Contact Mrs. Henreckson
Student Services
Mrs. Candelaria
Director of Student Services
Contact Mrs. Candelaria
Ms. Fouad
Student Services Paraprofessional
Contact Ms. Fouad
Mrs. Dennis
Student Services Teacher
Contact Mrs. Dennis
Ms. Hugen
Reading Interventionist
Contact Ms. Hugen
Mrs. Kroes
School Psychologist
Contact Mrs. Kroes
Mrs. Munteanu
Math Interventionist
Contact Mrs. Munteanu
Mrs. Nguyen
Occupational Therapist
Contact Mrs. Nguyen
Ms. Pollock
Student Services Teacher
Contact Ms. Pollock
Mrs. Gray
Student Services Paraprofessional
Contact Mrs. Gray
Mrs. Mazenko
Student Services Paraprofessional
Contact Mrs. Mazenko
Ms. Whitmore
Speech Language Pathologist
Contact Ms. Whitmore
Mrs. Howeth
Student Services Paraprofessional
Contact Mrs. Howeth
Office and Support Staff
Mrs. Armstrong
Literacy Specialist
Contact Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. Barash
Receptionist and Attendance Clerk
Contact Mrs. Barash
Ms. Burgess
Receptionist and Attendance Clerk
Contact Ms. Burgess
Mrs. Homan
School Nurse
Contact Mrs. Homan
Ms. Burley
Student Affairs Coordinator
Contact Ms. Burley
Mr. Fuller
Evening Custodian
Contact Mr. Fuller
Mrs. Chase
Hospitality Coordinator
Contact Mrs. Chase
Mr. Galindo
Facility Maintenance Technician
Contact Mr. Galindo
Mrs. Turner
Purchasing Specialist
Contact Mrs. Turner
Ms. Blatter
Assistant to the Dean of Faculty
Contact Ms. Blatter
Mrs. Greely
Enrollment Coordinator and Theatre Teacher
Contact Mrs. Greely
Mrs. Schmidt
Contact Mrs. Schmidt
Mrs. Jones
Executive Assistant to the Headmaster
Contact Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Luquette
Health Technician
Contact Mrs. Luquette
Mrs. Reisch
Communications Coordinator
Contact Mrs. Reisch
Dr. Robinson
Inventory and Finance Specialist
Contact Dr. Robinson
Mr. Kramer
Contact Mr. Kramer
Mrs. Guyor
Dean of Faculty
Contact Mrs. Guyor
Mr. Yu
Dean of Students
Contact Mr. Yu
Mr. Rump
Athletic Director and P.E. Teacher, Upper School
Contact Mr. Rump
Ms. Hiatt
Dean of Academics
Contact Ms. Hiatt
Mr. Candelaria
Dean of Operations
Contact Mr. Candelaria