Grammar School houses Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, and builds the foundation for academic and personal success.

We take seriously the admonition that school is not for the sake of school but for the sake of life, and the process of living responsible, independent, and productive lives begins when students are young. The classical experience in Grammar School instills studious habits, decorum, and respect. It promotes the love of order, of precise and edifying language, and of objective standards of goodness, truth, and beauty. And, more than anything, it invites students to delight in the rich variety of the natural and human world.

Our core virtues take shape when students are young, in the classroom and in the common life of the school. We teach students that there is a moral order in the nature of things, that understanding that order is possible, and that we should pursue that with all our heart. We set the foundations of moral and civic virtue with the belief that virtue is pleasant, honorable, and ultimately worth defending. This comes to life in the stories our teachers tell, the awards we bestow, the art we depict, and our respect of young minds as they think through each element of their learning.

The Grammar School curriculum is composed of three main components: Explicit Phonics Instruction, Singapore Mathematics, and the Core Knowledge Sequence.